Saturday, March 13, 2010

My life in Japan, so far...

I thought for my inaugural post I would briefly demonstrate, because they say a picture says least 10 or so words, my Japanese experience. It seems the architects responsible for this lovely guest house didn't have me in mind when they made the doorway between the lobby and kitchen- no worries though, I survived it unscathed. In lieu of the soon to come more serious thoughts on Japan, I hope this humorous image finds you all happy and healthy.

Love, until later,



  1. Nick, that's hilarious and more than a little bit sad at the same time. I look forward to the next posting. XOXO

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the picture! Seriously. Can't wait to see for myself. xxxxoooo

  4. That is hilarious! Sounds like you two are still making quite the scene over there, keeping it real.

